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10 Weeks Mindful Eating Fully Supported 

Only £75 Book Here


OK you could say diet, but the word “diet” comes from the Greek root word “diaita”, which means “to live one's life,” and from the Latin root word, “diaeta,” meaning a “manner of living”.


Hippocrates famously said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." and who am I to argue with the father of medicine. There is also modern scientific research that shows that good digestion, gut health if you like, has a correlation with good mental health. 


Mindfulness is recognised as the best way to gain control of your eating. It is used to make it easier to eat heathier. Healthy eating should be seen as a way of life, rather than a short term fix (diet). Mindfulness is an empowering approach with results that are grounded in science. 


At a basic level this means

Taking control of what you are eating and eat healthier. This in turn means eating whole foods and not processed foods. So we need to make choices about what we eat, and yes I love cake. I'd eat cake 2 or 3 times a day, but I choose not to. I choose to eat fruit and vegetables. These choices are better for my health, OK I still love cake, but I choose to control my yearning and to be mindful of my choices.


Four Steps To Mindful Eating

When eating slow down, and be in the present moment, take a deep breath. This allows you to recognise hunger signals, and reduce out-of-control binges. Mindful eating helps you to pay attention to the smell, taste, temperature, and texture of the food.  


Step 1. Sit down at a table and give yourself time to eat. A bit like in the old days with the family all sitting down together. Dinner time used to be an event, rather that an item on a to do list. Sit down and enjoy your food without distractions. Stop multitasking when eating, turn off the TV, game station  and yes all phones as well. This will allow you to be more relaxed and focused on the act of eating and enjoying your food.


Step 2. Eat slowly and savour your food. As you enjoy your food, take time to savour it, enjoy the flavours, and chew well. Your brain needs time to register that you are eating to communicate to your body when you are full and satisfied. Pausing between bites and chewing thoroughly allows you to taste your food more fully, and notice when you are full before becoming overly full.


Step 3. Make eating a sensory experience. Mindfulness can transform your meal into a more vibrant experience. There are many aspects of your food to appreciate, including the colours, textures, and aromas. Take the time to relish the sensory experience of eating.


Step 4. Be your own hunger expert. Instead of searching for the answers from outside experts, get in touch with your body’s needs. This will help tell you what food and how much your body truly needs instead of how much you think you should be eating. You are your best expert, and only your body can tell you what and how much you need to consume.


Yes I can help you to take control of your eating.


Counselling - training services for Hythe Kent.

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