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So How Does ACT Help Your Wellbeing?


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy gets its name from one of its core messages:
Accept what is out of your personal control, and Commit to Taking action that improves and enriches your life.

So where does ACT come from?

You might not of heard of ACT, but you might have heard of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CBT. ACT is classed as the 3 wave of CBT, the modern or up to date version if you like. We know CBT started in the 1920., and we know that ACT came from CBT in 1980's. Yes there are differences but also similar aspects too.


How does it work


ACT in essence is a form of mindfulness based counselling therapy, but so much more than that.  It theorises that greater well-being can be attained by accepting negative thoughts and feelings.


Brian uses ACT to explore your character traits and behaviours. He assists you in reducing avoidance coping strategies. A very similar approach to Cognitive  Behaviour  Therapy CBT, but more scientifically proven.


ACT counselling also addresses your commitment to making changes, and what to do about it when you can't stick to your goals.


ACT counselling sessions will focuses on 3 main areas:

  1. Accept your reactions and feelings.

  2. Commit to valued direction.

  3. Take action in line with your values.


An ancient Eastern saying says: “If you don’t decide where you’re going, you’ll end up wherever you’re heading". Act is about you taking control over where you are heading.


Talking in the Shed offers talking therapy and  counselling services in Hythe Folkestone and Dover. Our ACT based talking therapy is proven to help.


Accept, Commit and Take action


Some Key ACT Points​


  • Having negative thoughts and feelings means you a normal person.

  • Stop trying to control how you feel, but take control of what you do.

  • What holds you back is not fear, but your attitude towards it.

  • The tighter you hold on to the fear the more stuck you will be with it.

  • Commitment isn’t about being perfect, or always following through, or never going astray.

  • Commitment means that when you stumble or get off track, you pick yourself up, and carry on.

  • The more we try to avoid the basic reality that all human life involves pain, the more we are likely to struggle with that pain when it arises.

Counselling - training services for Hythe Kent.

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